Matt Metzger
Project Director
Matt has been with Worldwide for 18 years and has over 25 years of experience in logistics management. His approach to project management is no nonsense. His dedication to his craft is unwavering, rarely missing work in 16 years. His ability to manage people, processes, and projects is remarkable. This is a bold statement, but he is in of the class of the very best in Hospitality Logistics.
- Shannon O’Connell, Project Coordinator
- Valerie Agrusa, Project Coordinator
Nicole Penning
Director of Operations
In Nicole’s 17 years of experience at Worldwide she has held several roles leading to her current Project Director position. She has been a key contributor to Worldwide’s development of daily operations, procedures, and software system. Her thorough involvement in these areas also makes her the ideal individual to maintain employee training, allowing us to take customer service to the next level.
- Ashlyn Watson, Warehouse Project Manager
- Cat Thompson, Warehouse Project Manager
- Ashley Olson, Warehouse Coordinator
- Jenna Czajkowski, Project Coordinator
- Heather Staab, Project Coordinator
- Lorna Gerwitz, Project Expeditor
- Rose Brundt, Project Expeditor
Casey Shaw
Project Director
Casey has been involved with logistics since birth. His father, Mike, was a mentor to Dave 30 years ago. Casey has 10 years of International Forwarding experience before starting with Worldwide 17 years ago. With his rich history and continuous education in International Freight requirements, Casey allows Worldwide to be worldwide.
- Kim Jones, Project Manager
- Melissa Conrad, Project Coordinator
- Kate Czajkowski, Warehouse Coordinator
- Tara Thweatt, Project Expeditor
Troy Manzella
Director of Carrier Sourcing
The son of Dave and Cindy, Troy has been a part of Worldwide for 15 years. He earned his Director position by working from the ground up. Excelling in customer service and organizational skills, he is able to keep several projects on track simultaneously. His passion for Worldwide goes beyond his family roots.
- Joe Potthoff, Truckload Operations Manager
Wenona Huff
Project Director
During her 12-plus years with Worldwide, Wenona has been a valuable asset on both the Warehousing and Freight sides of the business, and with her extensive background in the industry, she’s also been a key member of the Worldwide team since her first day. In addition to her contributions to the Freight side of the business, Wenona’s duties have also included being a liaison with the Warehousing department as well as the primary point of contact with several of Worldwide’s largest accounts. While growing within her own career, Wenona has driven Worldwide’s growth as well.
- Lauren Knapp, Warehouse Project Manager
- Tiffany Hodges, Project Expeditor
Jamie Hales
Director of Warehouse and Installations
Possibly the most challenging position in the company, Jamie manages an ever-growing staff of twelve employees, overseeing both Warehousing and Installation operations. During her 10-plus years with Worldwide, Jamie has held almost every position Worldwide has to offer. Starting out as a Warehousing Expeditor, Jamie was promoted first to Coordinator, then to a manager-level position in the Warehousing department, followed by a stint as Project Director for Freight prior to her current assignment. Jamie’s hard work and dedication, along with her depth of knowledge, make her one of the key contributors to Worldwide’s success.
- Marchele Reiter, Warehouse Project Manager
- Tyler Geer, Warehouse Expeditor
- Jeremey Reiter, Warehouse Expeditor
- Kirsten Erickson, Warehouse Expeditor
- Matt Olson, On-site Installer
- Alex Bledsoe, On-site Installer
Other Supporting Staff
- Ava Manzella, Controller
- Cindy Beache, Accounts Receivable
- Miley Westfall, Warehouse Billing
- Matt Pogue, Systems Director
- Cindy Barton, Managing Member
- David Barton, President

Hospitality Specific Logistics
- Purchase Order Management, Vendor Expediting and Follow Up
- Transportation Coordination, Carrier Selection, Scheduling and Daily Tracking
- Warehouse Inventory Control, Overseeing a Nationwide network of agents
- FF&E Installation, On-site supervision with WFM installers